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2 summer whisky cocktails from Tullamore DEW

Whisky bottle and cocktail

We enter the final stretch of 2021 with so much to look forward to – the summer sun, friends around a braai, and the final approach to our much-needed December holiday. In celebration of this final push, here are our top 2 summer whisky cocktails brought to you by Tullamore DEW.

1. XO Daiquiri

A Tully twist on a rum classic, the XO Daiquiri will appeal to whiskey and rum enthusiasts. Best served in a cocktail bar, especially Tiki Bars. This cocktail brings out the tropical notes found in XO and helps tell the story of the rum cask maturation.



  • 2 parts Tullamore D.E.W. XO
  • 1 part lime juice
  • 1 part simple syrup
  • Quality fresh cubed ice



Add all ingredients into a shaker and strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with a lime wedge and enjoy!

whisky cocktail for summer

2. XO Tully and tonic

A refreshing serve with more complex, tropical flavours that are brought to life by the tonic. Post work drinks, before dinner, happy hour.



  • 2 parts Tullamore D.E.W. XO
  • 3 parts premium bottled tonic water
  • Garnish pineapple leaves
  • Quality fresh cubed ice



Pour a measure of Tullamore D.E.W. XO into the glass and fill the glass to the brim with ice cubes. Top with tonic water and gently stir with a bar spoon.Garnish with two pineapple leaves and enjoy!

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