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5 Out-of-the-Box Ways to Serve Caviar

New ways to serve caviar

Caviar is known for being an expensively delicious ingredient, often served in fine dining restaurants. But, what if we told you there are regular ways in which to enjoy this luxurious delicacy?

With an increase in sustainable farming methods, caviar is becoming more affordable and, therefore, more accessible to all social classes. No need to buy bank-breaking Beluga Caviar to indulge in this traditional dish anymore.

Here’s the inside scoop:

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Traditional Ways To Serve Caviar

There are five traditional ways to serve caviar. Ways that everyone has come to accept and expect. But, before you even get to the main culinary masterpiece, caviar requires very specific conditions in order to be considered perfect.

Caviar is meant to be served ice cold, but not frozen. A common way to plate it is in a metal dish sat on a mound of ice. Also, the spoon with which it is scooped up should be mother of pearl. That way, you don’t alter the taste with metallic remnants or woody aromas. 

This delicacy is most commonly paired with vodka. The white spirit acts as a neutral palate cleanser, allowing the flavours of caviar to stand out with each bite. Of course, it is also rooted in a Russian tradition that the world has come to love.

One of the most traditional ways to serve Beluga is on unsalted crackers. A variation of this is a charcuterie board with Gruyère Cheese and blinis, a type of small pancake. Another traditional serving option is atop an Avocado Ritz: A mash up of avocado and a prawn or shrimp cocktail. On toast is yet another way – normally white bread lightly browned with a scraping of unsalted butter. Lastly, caviar can be scooped atop hard boiled eggs with the yolks served separately.

Out-of-the-Box Ways To Serve Caviar

In the modern world, thogh, foodies are all about experimentation. Whilst the traditional definitely still has a place in the culinary scene, unique adaptations are what most people are after. This rings true where caviar is concerned, especially since it is finally more accessible to all social classes. These fish eggs are sometimes black, coming from Sturgeon Roe, or orange, from Salmon or Trout Fish. The former is the more expensive option whilst the latter is a more affordable alternative.

The first differential is how caviar is now often served with Champagne instead of chilled vodka. The hope is that the acidity or bubbles of the Champagne will complement the richness of the delicacy. More and more individuals are moving away from ‘face screwing’ spirits (like neat vodka), preferring more enjoyable drinks which they can actually taste and enjoy.

Before we get too carried away, here’s the real reason why you are here: Five out-of-the-box ways to serve caviar:

1. Fresh Cucumber Bites

Acting as the perfect appetiser for an at-home dinner party, caviar atop thinly sliced and chilled cucumber slices is the perfect go-to. Cucumbers are often described as tasting like water, so it does not alter the taste of the caviar at all. It simply adds a bit of crunch to the bite in the same way the traditional crackers would do. This dish also allows the host (you) to control how much each person gets as these pesky fish eggs can get quite pricey, quite quickly.

2. Caviar on a Pizza Slice

Don’t even think of a plain Margarita pizza cut into eight uneven pieces! Instead, think large gourmet-style slices – the perfect starter to any dinner party. Prepare a thin and crispy pizza base, top it with melted cheese, cherry tomatoes, salmon bites or shrimp heads, and add a spoon of caviar for an appetiser worthy of a Michelin star.

3. Roast Potatoes or Potato Crisps

Roast potatoes or crispy potato chips are a common side dish in South Africa. Now, you can turn things up a notch by adding a few spoons of caviar. Again, the crispy potatoes allow for a crunch with the caviar whilst not taking away from its unique flavour. Potatoes are also great in hiding the texture of the fish eggs if your guests are not used to the delicacy.

4. Caviar Drizzled over Vanilla Ice Cream

Yes, you read that right. Caviar is now gracing desserts as well! Turn a measly bowl of vanilla ice cream into a masterpiece by adding a spoon of black pearls to the mix. The sweet flavours and cold temperature of the ice cream complement the saltiness of the caviar beautifully. Ultimately, it’s a play on the age-old trick of balancing sweet and salt. Suddenly, a plain vanilla bowl of frozen cream becomes a sophisticated dessert at the end of the evening.

5. White Chocolate Blocks

Just when you think the night is over, the white chocolate and caviar combination makes an appearance. When thought of separately, both ingredients are considered gourmet. Placed together, the smoothness of the white chocolate balances out the sometimes overly fishy taste of caviar. Interestingly, both ingredients contain similar flavour profiles brought about by amine proteins. The chocolate melts in your mouth first, which allows the fish flavours to break through in a creamy way.

White chocolate and caviar dessert

Caviar is now the perfect delicacy to turn any regular meal into something spectacular. Remember, the secret lies in balancing sweet with salty and rich with understated flavours. Then, you are on your way to hosting dinner parties fit for kings and queens. You’re welcome!

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