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Sell Your Property Without an Agent Using These Five Tips

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It’s often quite a mission to find the right agent to sell your home. So much so that many people throw their hands in the air and decide to do it themselves – often only to their own frustration. It doesn’t have to be frustrating, though.

While using an agent to help you sell your home has its merits, it is possible to do it yourself and financially, it might even be the better option. PJ Veldhuizen from the specialist property law firm, Gillan and Veldhuizen Inc. says there are a few boxes to tick if you plan on selling your home without an agent.

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Appoint an Attorney

Hiring a competent property attorney is the best first step, ensuring a water-tight contract. “Before you put your property on the market – whether you have enlisted an agent or not – find an attorney and have the agreement-template with all considerations in place, ready to be completed by both parties and signed.”

The confidence you gain to sell your property without requiring an estate agent and without having to part with a percentage of the selling price could be well worth the consultation fee.

Get Your Property Evaluated

Secondly, have a valuation done on the property. Various property practitioners offer no-obligation valuation services. Property 24’s online valuation service is based on researched neighbourhood data and come at a minimal cost.

List it Online

Nothing is real these days if it’s not online. There are various online property portals with effective packages for private sellers. Depending on your budget, you can expect to pay between R240 and R4100 for a listing on Property 24. The more you pay, the more you get of course, including the provision of a professional photographer and a video reel for your listing. You can also list your property on platforms like Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree but be selective, submit a comprehensive listing and use filters.

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Screen Potential Buyers

Carolyn Savage, the General Manager at IOL Property, says it’s become standard for buyers to provide proof of identification when viewing a property. This is mainly to safeguard the seller against criminal activity. People often also need to produce pre-qualification certificates for affordability and finance when arranging a property viewing.

By following these steps, you might reduce delays and increase the success rate of selling your property at the best possible value.

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