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Creamy cocktail recipes to elevate your year-end safari

Wild Africa White Russian cocktail recipe

Whether you’re celebrating a momentous occasion or starting to plan your company’s year-end function, we might just have the recipe you’re looking for. While we can’t plan your event for you, these indulgent cocktails will certainly add a touch of flair to the occasion. And, if you’re unable to go on safari as part of your year-end celebrations, these will certainly give you a taste of Africa.

Salted Caramel White Russian Cocktail

This is the ultimate treat if you’re a fan of velvety sweetness and a hint of saltiness. It’s a luxurious blend of vodka Wild Africa Cream Original and a touch of flaky sea salt. Decadently divine.


3 Tbsp caramel sauce

50ml vodka

A pinch of flaky sea salt

80ml Wild Africa Cream Original

30ml cream


Put the caramel sauce into the base of your glass and top with ice.

Pour the vodka over the ice, and then add the Wild Africa Cream Original.

Top it with a pinch of flaky sea salt.

Then, pour in the cream, stir and enjoy.

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Toasted Almond & Coffee Martini

Nothing says elegance and sophistication like a coffee Martini. In this recipe, Wild Africa Cream Caffé Latte entwines gracefully with the decadent allure of amaretto liqueur and chilled, strong coffee. P.S. Wild Africa Cream took centre stage at the International Spirits Challenge 2023, with Wild Africa Cream Caffé Latte being awarded a Gold Medal. 


50ml Wild Africa Caffé Latte

440ml amaretto liqueur

30ml strong coffee, chilled

3 coffee beans, for garnish


Put the ice into a shaker.

Pour the amaretto liqueur, coffee and Wild Africa Caffé Latte into the shaker.

Shake well, then strain into a martini glass.

Top with three coffee beans.

Ginger Snap Cocktail

Christmas is around the corner and what is the festive season without some ginger and other spices? Spice up the end of the year with this cocktail – a delightful creation that dances on your palate.


100ml ginger ale

30ml rum

30ml cream

60ml Wild Africa Cream Original

1 thin slice ginger


Put the ginger ale, rum, cream and Wild Africa Cream Original into a cocktail shaker and shake well.

Fill your glass with ice, then pour the cocktail into your glass.

Place your ginger slice on a cocktail skewer and serve.


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