Ice Age Revival: Why Whole Body Cryotherapy is the Hottest New Trend

Cryo by Coco has launched their second Whole Body Cryotherapy Chamber in the country – the first being based in Cape Town. Located opposite Daytona, the wellness centre offers an array of treatments, with the Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) Chamber bringing clients a whole new level of rejuvenation in a matter of minutes. WBC has proven to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities through the use of extreme cold that induces responses on three levels: The circulatory system, the energy meridians and the nervous system.
There are many benefits to this state-of-the-art therapy, which comprises the application of extremely cold, dry air (between -85°C and -110°C) for up to three minutes. Various clinical studies have been done on cryotherapy, focusing especially on the treatment of pain and inflammation, diseases and disorders like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. It is also used as treatment for post-op patients, sports injuries and the treatment of skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis and general ageing. Not to mention weight management and mental health.
What does the process entail?
After completing a short medical history form, we were escorted to a tranquil dressing room. Cryo by Coco provides everything you might need – from warm gloves, socks, branded Crocs, headbands (complete with Bluetooth earphones) and masks, to comfortable shorts and sports bras for those first-timers (like us) who did not bring their own.
All kitted up, we stepped into the cryotherapy chamber, which uses dry, cold air – a superficial temperature change that allows your internal body temperature to remain constant throughout the treatment. This was probably our favourite part of the treatment, as clouds of ice-cold air enveloped us as we opened the door. We almost started singing Frozen’s theme song!
The chamber comes with a number of safety features, with the door never locking, ensuring that you are always in control of your environment. A trained staff member will also always be present to ensure your maximum safety.
A maximum of three minutes is the recommended treatment time for Cryotherapy. However, treatment schedules will vary depending on your athletic activity, the severity of soft tissue ailments and other factors. Some professional athletes can have this treatment up to twice a day if needed.
Your nose will burn, you’ll get goosebumps all over (who needs ASMR?) and you’ll be hopping about under a flurry of fine ice. After three minutes, you’ll be released into warm air and instantly feel refreshed and revived.
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South Africa has some impressive day spas to visit. Make your stress disappear with these five picks from around the country.
Our top 7 things you need to know before diving in:
- 1. The chamber is not a holding cell. You can get out at any time.
- 2. Bring your own comfortable shorts (and a sports bra for the ladies) to wear in the chamber.
- 3. Keep your mind busy with music or a podcast by connecting your phone to the Bluetooth headphones embedded in Cryo by Coco’s headbands.
- 4. Keep moving while you’re in the chamber. -87°C is no joke, let alone -110°C!
- 5. If you’re wearing mascara, bring Vaseline along and put some under your eyes to reduce smudging. Or, just arrive without makeup.
- 6. The chamber can take two people at the same time, so if you feel like having company while freezing and simultaneously saving a couple of bucks, go for it. At the time of our visit, a session cost R750 for one person, while it was R1200 for two. They also have packages of five and ten sessions available.
- 7. Be sure to drink water afterwards and stay hydrated.