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nescafe gold cappuccino hello joburg

Are you ready for the latest invention? A cappuccino that's plant-based!

The question here is, who can live without a morning cup of coffee? Not us, that’s for certain! And while we love a freshly ground coffee, we don’t always have the time, procaffeinating it’s a thing!


Cue the NESCAFÉ GOLD brand. These super smart guys have launched their vegan Cappuccino Plant-Based Mixes range. We love that this premium brand has provided a solution for health-conscious consumers, those who might want to enjoy a cup of coffee without the fuss and without compromising their lifestyle beliefs.

Curated using a blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, the lattes are delectably smooth and creamy. It’s a one cup wonder!


They are available in three variants, Coconut Latte, Almond Latte and Oat Latte.


The NESCAFÉ GOLD Vegan Lattes are available at all leading retailers country-wide. 


 Follow the conversation @nescafesa on Instagram #NESCAFEVEGANLATTESZA.

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