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Celebrating two South African female artists

Dorothy Kay and Mary Sibande are two incredible South African female artists right now. Let us tell you why these two female artists are so important right now.

Strauss & Co has renewed its commitment to education with a curated exhibition juxtaposing the work two historically important South African female artists, Dorothy Kay and Mary Sibande. Titled Dream Invisible Connections, the exhibition will offer audiences a rare opportunity to view a large range of works by both ladies.

The exhibition series will provide new frameworks for the appreciation and interpretation of important South African female artists. Sibande’s various depictions of her iconic domestic worker alter ego, Sophie, and, in the case of Kay, of delineating connections between her virtuoso realist painting.As well as explore Kay’s well-known realist portrait, Cookie, Annie Mavata (1956). Based on a photo taken by Kay in 1948, the painting depicts the artist’s Xhosa cook in blue uniform.

The exhibition, Dream Invisible Connections will be presented in Strauss & Co’s dedicated gallery at its Houghton offices in Johannesburg from 11 July through 12 August 2022.

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