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ChipIn is a new South African crowdgifting solution for family and friends

ChipIn Crowdgifting platform

Clubbing together to get a perfect gift for an anniversary, birthday or special occasion is hardly a new challenge; what is new is that tech-savvy South Africans can now use an innovative digital platform to set up or participate in ‘crowdgifting’ solutions for family and friends’ memorable life-stage milestones.

ChipIn – which is one of Brand Hubb Group’s (BHG) growing list of e-commerce properties – is among the easiest-to-use and most cost-effective gifting services available to local consumers today; and is making waves by changing how South Africans buy and give gifts. Initially launched under the BHG umbrella, the concept has matured to trade on its own merits. 

In the past, finding the perfect gift would involve spending countless hours trawling through stores, in the real world or online until the exhausted gift-giver capitulated by purchasing anything that relieved them of their gifting obligation. Nowadays, choosing an impactful gift is as simple as logging into the ChipIn platform and buying or contributing to a gift that has been pre-selected by the giftee, or recipient of a gift. The experience ensures that users ‘get that feeling’ associated with choosing and gifting a desired, meaningful item.

ChipIn Baby Gift

The ChipIn platform is particularly useful for gift registry applications such as baby showers, weddings and birthdays, where it used to be almost impossible for guests to independently choose appropriate and/or unique gifts. It is also a great enabler for family and friends to club together towards big ticket gifts for special occasions such as a couple’s 50th wedding anniversary. ChipIn bridges the gap of family and friends living abroad having to try to find local gift suppliers, as well as offering a sponsorship or donation application, which is particularly valuable in times of disaster relief, stokvels or even assisting someone in need to receive an item which could make a huge impact on their lives (e.g., a bicycle, a computer or appliances to set up a home.)

ChipIn is an online solution that unites the gift-giver and gift-receiver around the common goal of a perfect gifting experience. It makes the gift-giver’s life simpler by removing the need to shop in the physical world and strips out the uncertainty of scanning thousands of pages of goods online by providing a list of gifts, pre-approved by the receiver.

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