The Zip Zap Circus presents VOOMA!
The Zip Zap Circus presents VOOMA! This adrenaline-fueled celebration of circus will illuminate the Zip Zap Dome, located next to the Artscape Theatre.
Save the dates from December 7th to 17th, 2023, as VOOMA! takes the stage with a fresh lineup of acts designed to captivate the entire family. Brace yourself for an immersive journey into the world of trapeze, acrobatics, juggling, and uproarious comedy.
This extraordinary young ensemble showcases emerging talents who have refined their skills through the circus company’s advanced student Zappers and Dare2Dream programs. For over 30 years, their 10 social circus programs have provided a home for aspiring circus stars, offered free of charge to all participants.
VOOMA! promises an unforgettable experience, combining skillful performances with a commitment to nurturing future circus talent.
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