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Five Ways To Prevent Election Day Queue Boredom

Prevent Election Day Boredom. Here are five ways you can keep busy while you wait in the queue this Election Day.

National Elections are around the corner and many of us are dreading the long queue. So, in light of the National Election Day, taking place on Wednesday, 29 May, we have made a list of things to do to help you pass the time while you’re waiting in line. Here are five ways you can prevent election day boredom.

Observe and Soak It In

Have you seen all the footage of South Africans living or working abroad, taking the opportunity to vote? Goosebumps! Most of them had to queue for a minimum of 2.5 hours, but not even the long queues or cold weather could dampen the mood. There’s hope in the air. As a fairly new democratic country, it’s a right and a privilege to vote. This is the seventh democratic election in South Africa, and you’re part of it. While you’re standing in the queue, take a moment to look around you. Notice the people who want to make a difference; those who believe in the power of making their markObserve, and soak it in. 

Pass the Time with Podcasts

Catch up on your favourite podcasts while you wait in line. Not sure where to start? We’ve got youRead about the latest books and podcasts on our radar to find some inspiration here. 

Snack and Hydrate While You Wait

Things to do while you wait in line

We can’t emphasise this enough. Snacking is vital to survive queueing. Smul’s unique, nutritious food range was recently launched in South Africa – just in time to nibble your way through election day the healthy way. In addition to snacking, you should also keep hydrated, so remember to pack your water bottle. After you have cast your vote, we recommend you popping in at your favourite restaurant for something to eat

A Gratitude Journal Is So 2024

Life is rushed. Sometimes, the hustle and bustle is just too much. The 29th of May is a public holiday meant to grant every South African the opportunity to have the time to voteBut, why not also use this opportunity to take the time to stand still for a momentWhen you stand in the queue, make a list of things you’re grateful for, like the privilege to vote and to live in a beautiful country. 

Make Friends

Introverts would probably run for the hills right about now, but it can be really fun to start a conversation with the person in front of you. You have something in common – you’re there to vote! So, the rest of the convo should be easy. Even Reevana Jagersar Govender (who was so kind to supply us with some photos from her experience as a South African voting in London) got to mingle in the queue. Check out her full experience here. 

In the end, it’s all a choice. You can choose to make standing in line fun and entertaining, or you can let it ruin your day. We say, choose wisely and utilize these queuing tips to your advantage. Happy voting!

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