Emperors Palace Easter 2025

Hopi Skopi, a kiddies activity book by Sipiwe Sikwila

image of Sipiwe Sikwila

It’s women’s month and we love nothing more than celebrating our local females. Let us introduce you to Sipiwe Sikwila who is so creative she even has a self-publishing house, SomethingMeBooks, founded in 2020. She has a passion for education and for inspiring children through her craft.

Image of kids activity book cover

Not only is she founding owner of Something Me Books but she will be bringing out her very first book this September – Hopinol Skopinol, an educational activity book for kids aged 3 – 5. Inspiring!


The book is a trusted source for kids and will include activities, storybooks, entertaining games and activity worksheets. So moms if you need some much deserved me-time, take it, because the littles will surely be entertained for hours with their favourite new book.


Through Hopinol Skopinol, the book aspires to be a trusted source for educational and fun bite-sized activities for little learners, thereby enhancing concentration whilst making learning and day to day tasks super fun for children.


You can buy the book on Etsy and from the Hopinol Skopinol online store.

Oh and for those aspiring authors, they will also assist with unleashing the inner writer in you through free resources. They’re all about empowerment and collaboration.

Read more kids features here.

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