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National Recycling Day: Remember to separate your waste

National Recycling Day_Luyando_Hlatshwayo_2_Pic_by_Mark_Lewis

15 September is National Recycling Day and serves as a reminder not only to recycle, but also to separate your waste to make recycling easier for waste pickers who form an integral part of the recycling system and our society.


Reclaimers fill a critical gap in South Africa’s waste management system, where – in some areas – waste management services are non-existent. In fact, many of these reclaimers are members of the African Reclaimers Organisation (ARO). The organisation was founded in 2018 and together, they have since been making a difference on our landfills and in our streets.

ARO spokesperson and business development manager, Luyanda Hlatshwayo says: “When informal reclaimers were first seen on our streets they were often stigmitised in our society, but people are beginning to understand the essential role we play wen it comes to recycling. It is important for citizens to value reclaimers and for us as reclaimers to be proud of the contribution we make.”

National Recycling Day_Luyanda_Hlatshwayo_Pic_by_Mark_Lewis

Honestly, these reclaimers are making a huge contribution. So much so that the ARO became the first winner of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)’s Living Planet Award for Organisations in 2021. The organisation has more than 6000 members and focuses on Joburg’s northern sububrs (Saxonwold to Midrand) and central areas like Braamfontien, Parktown, Auckland Park and Brixton.

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Adding to this, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) states that close to 90 000 South Africans work as informal recyclers. In essence, they collect close to 90% of all materials that are recycled.

Informal waste reclaimers collect discarded items that would normally end up in landfills and the environment. Then, they sell these to buy-back centres for recycling. Ultimately, the work they do saves municipalities up to R780 million in landfill space alone. That does not even include the savings in waste removal trucking and fuel.

How can you help these reclaimers on National Recycling Day and beyond?

  • Use an ARO Gereza Recycling bag (or any clear plastic bag or boxes) to place recyclable waste in and place it on the pavement on collection day.
  • Include materials like PET (clear polyethylene terephthalate) bottles, plastic milk containers, Kreepy Krawly pipes, plastic plant pots, large yoghurt containers, aluminium cold drink tins, aluminium pie plates, electronic waste, cardboard and paper.
  • Rinse soiled containers that they are clean for collection.
  • Be mindful of the reclaimers on the road while driving.
  • Encourage other reclaimers to join ARO.
  • Get to know your local reclaimers and learn how you can help them.

Since today is National Recycling Day, perhaps it is a good idea to learn more about ARO and what they do. Click here to learn more. 

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