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Nestle has just launched a new plant-based range. And we LOVE it!

salad dish hello joburg

To put it simply, these are irresistible plant based meals. So if you’ve been wanting to explore a meat-free Monday or want to go fully vegetarian, this is just for you. See it as a beginners guide to your new plant based diet.


We cooked and baked sauteed, fried and sauced them and they were surprisingly tasty and oh so delicious. We especially loved the Schnitzel which combines a crisp coating on the outside with a juicy, tender flavour on the inside.

“Nestlé’s new range of meat-free alternatives Harvest Gourmet™ provides an opportunity for South Africans to have access to tastier and healthier choices"

The plant-based meal solutions product line comprises vegan burgers patties, schnitzels and char-grilled pieces which can be added to a variety of dishes including wraps, sandwiches, pasta dishes and salads”, says Shamir Sookdeo, Business Executive Officer, Nestlé Professional, East and Southern Africa Region.


nestle plant meal

The company’s extensive network of over 300 experts, including food technologists, scientists, chefs and food service professionals, have worked together to perfect the right taste, texture and appearance to provide menu options that do not compromise on flavour or experience.

Harvest Gourmet™, is available currently at Buns Out restaurants in Johannesburg.

nestle burger on board with fries

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