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Shopping On A Budget: How To Spend Money Wisely

Shopping on a budget

As soon as the Festive Season has reached its end, the world hits economy drive. That doesn’t mean you can’t spoil yourself and go shopping here and there, though. In fact, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! So, we have curated a guide on how to shop whilst on a budget. 

Shopping on a budget can easily become a lifestyle instead of a once-off thing you fall back into when times are tough. In fact, we like to remind ourselves of what John Maxwell once said about expenses: “A budget is telling your money where to go, instead of wondering where it went.”

Spending money is a necessity of life, but it isn’t necessary to spend all your money! In this guide we include shopping hacks for both your needs and wants. 

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Tackling the Grocery Budget

Don’t cut out the chocolates just yet! We have a solution to let you keep both your needs and wants on the shopping list. Being on an economy drive doesn’t mean eating the same thing fives times per week or limiting yourself to the treats in the cupboard. However, it is about spending wisely. Here are three things to consider:

1.     Make a list

2.     Stick to it

3.     Shop around

Our three-step guide on how to shop for groceries on a budget is pretty self-explanatory. Firstly, start by writing down the things you need to restock in the fridge and the pantry. Try and do this on an ongoing basis. As soon as something is close to running out (yes, even the crisps), write it on the list.

Secondly, plan your meals for the week ahead. Decide what will be for breakfast, lunch and dinner and once again, make a list. Look at what is already in your cupboards and the freezer and try to include those ingredients in your meal plans.

Once you have these two lists, it is time to scour the internet. Shop around for the best prices. Compare Woolworths to Checkers to Pick ‘n Pay. Often, these stores will run specials on some of the items on your list and you will be able to identify the best prices among your favourite shops.

Clothes - Is It A Need, Or Greed?

Sometimes when we hear the words ‘shopping budget,’ our minds immediately remove clothing from the list. Rather than going cold turkey on your shopping addiction, dial it back just a little bit. Here’s how:

1.     Make a rule

2.     Stick to it

3.     Shop around

We came up with the one-per-month rule to recommend to new budget-ers. This means that every month, one piece of clothing can be bought and added to the cupboard. Call it your way of getting that capsule wardrobe you’ve always wanted, one step (or one month) at a time. You can be really strategic about this — if you buy a top this month, buy trousers the next and then a pair of shoes after that.

Furthermore, if you know an event is coming up and you desperately need a new outfit for it, start buying an item a month leading up to the big day. By the time it rolls around, your outfit would have been sorted well in advance without overspending.

Now, here comes the hard part: Shopping around. Instead of walking into your favourite store, shop around and see where the items you need are on sale. Also, do not trade quality for quantity. Most times, getting the more expensive item will prove an investment, because it is bound to last longer.

Remember: A capsule wardrobe takes time. It includes classic items that will never go out of style. For example, Vogue recommends a pair of classic blue jeans, a white button-down, sporty trainers, black leggings, a smart blazer, neutral skirt, statement handbag, versatile jumper, tailored trousers, a leather jacket, little black dress and smart shoes for the ultimate capsule wardrobe.

Birthdays Shouldn’t Break the Bank

Our last section is all about the gift of giving. Birthdays or anniversaries only come around once a year, so it is vital to spoil your loved ones when they do. It helps that they always occur on the same day, because that makes planning much easier! Herewith our shopping hack, this time for gifts:

1.     Diarise the date

2.     Ask questions

3.     Shop around

Knowing when special occasions will occur helps immensely in budgeting for gifts. While some families only have one birthday per month, others have ten in a matter of two months. Also, don’t forget about other special occasions like anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Easter and Christmas.

Now, its time to decide what the gift will be. Whilst surprises are fun, they are not always practical. Instead of taking a gamble on whether the receiver will like the book you’ve chosen, ask their opinion. This could be in the form of: “What’s a new hobby you want to try?” Or, “Do you like Jane Austen?”

Write down the various gift options and then start shopping around. Browsing the shops early allows for price comparisons, savings and potential sales. Eventually, when the time comes to wrap the gift, your bank won’t be breaking and you won’t be crying.

There you have it: Our guide for shopping on a budget. In essence, learning to transform your shopping addiction into investment is the way to go. Also, a little “girl math” never hurt anyone!

For more shopping inspiration, click here

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