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NESTLÉ SMARTIES South Africa’s favorite confectionery brand has globally announced their switch to 100% recyclable paper.

These rainbow-colored sweet treats just got a whole lot sweeter. We couldn’t wait to share this exciting news. NESTLÉ SMARTIES has revolutionized its brand by creating 100% recyclable packaging. How darn cool?


But wait it gets better, the brand has collaborated with contemporary recycling artist, Mbongeni Buthelezi to design a digital guide for caregivers to follow in creating fun origami pieces using the Smarties recyclable paper.


The how-to guide is a step-by-step tutorial and is easy to follow.


#SMARTIESCreateWithPurpose not only inspires conscious creativity by using recyclable goods but also encourages sustainability. Genius, so, of course, we went out and bought 20 paper packets of Smarties.


To catch up on the conversation online search the hashtag #SmartiesCreateWithPurpose narrative and get South Africans to buy into the idea of getting creative with recycling while being environmentally aware.

new smarties packaging hello joburg

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