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Top 4 Galleries and Art Centres in Pretoria

Top galleries - Gold of Africa, Mapungubwe Collection JAVETT

Pretoria is one of the four largest cities in South Africa, as well as its administrative capital. Even though its population is smaller than that of the other major cities – Cape Town, Joburg and Durban – Pretoria is home to five of the nine universities in the country. It makes sense then that the art produced and showcased in Pretoria reflects a vibrant cultural landscape. We’ve compiled a list of our favourite galleries and art centres in the city that offer various different immersive experiences and cater to all sorts of art enthusiasts.

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The Showroom Art Gallery

Owner and curator, Ilze du Preez has always known and loved art. Additionally, since hosting her first exhibition – where she sold eight paintings – the business of art has always been intrinsic to her. The Showroom Art Gallery is where you see and experience Du Preez’ technicoloured background come to fruition. Her mission is to bring beauty to everyone from the ordinary person to the corporate world. In collaboration with more than 50 local artists, some more established, others up and coming, a visit to The Showroom Art Gallery is a unique look into the more rustic aesthetic of the South African art landscape.

Hours: Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 16:00 | Saturday, 09:00 – 13:00 | Sunday, closed.
Location: Cape Connection Lifestyle Village, 59 Garsfontein Road
Contact: 083 449 2132
Website: For more info, visit their website here.

UNISA Space Art Gallery

Top galleries - Sekgoto at UNISA Space Art Gallery

The UNISA Space Art Gallery was founded in 1986 and has, since inception, grown to become a significant exhibition space in South Africa. The gallery owns a permanent collection of contemporary art by South African and international artists alike. Playing host to numerous exhibitions each year, the gallery focuses on wide, diverse and relevant aspects in the arts, benefiting researchers, students and visitors. With education at its core, the UNISA Space Art Gallery regularly offers artist walkabouts, workshops and learning sessions to all guests.

Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10:00 – 16:00
Location: UNISA, Muckleneuk Campus
Contact: 012 441 5683

The Viewing Room Art Gallery

Top galleries - Theo Rikhotso at The Viewing Room

Established in 2007, The Viewing Room Art Gallery at Lorient Fashion & Art Gallery focuses on contemporary fine art. Dedicated to promoting national and international artists alike, their mission is to provide original fine art to established and emerging collectors. Furthermore, visitors can expect a wide range of innovative and equally provocative exhibitions across multiple mediums and genres that reflect their commitment to contemporary issues and ideas.

Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10:00 – 15:00 | Sat, 09:00 – 14:00
Location: 492 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn Circle
Contact: 012 460 0284
Website: For more info, visit their website here

The Javett Art Centre at the University of Pretoria

Top galleries - Art Bank SA at the Javett Art Centre

An architectural masterpiece to behold, The Javett-UP is an independent art centre on the University of Pretoria’s South Campus. Simply put, their mission is to exhibit and explore the art of Africa in all of its magnificent iterations. By far the largest of the galleries featured on our list, the Javett-UP is a vibrant hub that hosts several exhibitions simultaneously, alongside their permanent collection. Included in their permanent collection is the famous gold rhino (part of the Mapungubwe gold) pictured in the article’s feature image, as well as classic 20th Century South African art. In addition to their exhibitions, they also regularly host a multidisciplinary programme of musical events, film screenings, workshops, panel discussions and community engagement projects.

Hours: Thursday – Saturday, 10:00 – 16:00
Location: 23 Lynwood Rd, University of Pretoria
Contact: 012 420 3960
Website: For more info, visit their website here.

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