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Top 4 Ways to Move Easily With Your Pets

Make it more comforting for your pets when moving house

Moving can be stressful for everyone – from adults to kids – and don’t forget about those paw-babies. You can make the transition of moving house more comfortable for your pets. Here are our top four ways to make moving with your pets a little easier. 

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Moving your pets from one house to another can be overstimulating and overwhelming for both you and your fur babies. In fact, any new space, new smells, new surroundings and new sounds will serve as stimulus. Also, some moves require long trips, while others are semigrations. Adjustment is key in a situation where you’re moving house.

Routine is a Must

Like with kids, your pets also need a routine. If they don’t have a routine, consider developing one in the lead up to the move. Once you have moved, make sure that you continue the routine to keep your pets calm. It will be the one thing that is familiar to them. Feeding, walks and playtime – these kinds of routines are recommended.

Acclimation Can Help Make The Move Easier

If your fur baby is not familiar with new places or travelling, let them acclimate to new spaces. Get them to feel comfortable in a car or in their carrier. This will help alleviate a lot of their stress for the move.

Make The Move Easier on Your Pets By Making it Familiar

Make The Move Easier With Pets

In your new home, set up a space of familiarity. Something with your scent, their bed, a familiar toy and even their food bowls will help improve their anxiety. 


Spend some extra quality time with them before, during and after your move to show them that you are not going anywhere. You can even spoil them with a new accessory

Make Your Next Move Easier

Make Moving With Your Pets Easier

“Pets thrive on routine, and moving disrupts their daily schedule of feeding, walks, and playtime,” says Dr Tarryn Dent, Business Unit Lead: Companion Animals at Zoetis South Africa. “Arriving at a new home doesn’t immediately end their anxiety either. New smells, sounds, and sights can overwhelm pets, creating sensory overload and making it difficult for them to feel settled and secure.” 

In addition to these points, you can chat to your veterinarian regarding the particulars of your move to ensure a seamless transition for you and your pets. 

Ultimately, moving with pets requires careful planning and consideration. By prioritising their well-being and gradually introducing them to their new environment, you can minimise stress and ensure a smoother transition. Also, don’t be shy to seek support from professionals and online communities.

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