Top Tips for Attracting Positive, Healthy Relationships

Relationships can either bloom or suffer during certain times, often reminding people of what they believe their relationships are lacking. Whether you’re navigating through a rough patch or simply looking to enhance the positive aspects, equipping yourself with some authentic attraction tactics might just assist in your endeavors to engage in more positive, healthy relationships this year. In the blog post, we’ll uncover six of our best tips to help you attract positive, healthy relationships in 2024.
First things first
They say wellness starts from within. The same goes for healthy relationships. Work towards being content with yourself before trying to be content in a relationship of any kind. Start at home. Get to know yourself better before you even start getting to know someone else better.
Bullet points and boundaries
Self-knowledge allows you to identify what you want, what you need and where your limits lie. It’s important to communicate your beliefs and values as that is what makes you, you. List your wants and needs and decide what your boundaries are. Then, discuss it and set boundaries within in the relationship. Any healthy relationship – whether it’s a romantic relationship, a friendship or even a parent-child relationship – has boundaries. Ultimately, this will also keep you from settling for less than what you deserve. Remember, you also need to respect the other person’s boundaries in return.
Communication is key
Cliché, but true – communication is key in any relationship. Being honest, open and genuine with those you want to include in your life, will go a long way. At the same time, being able to listen to the other person is just as important.
Memories with meaning
Any relationship worth keeping will benefit from investing in meaningful activities that both individuals can participate in and enjoy. Join a wine club, volunteer at a charity near and dear to you both or attend a fun event. Obviously, it helps to find that someone who has the same interests than you do. It forms an instant connection more profound than mere conversation and the bond it brings about creates a feeling of belonging.
Willing to do the work
You need to be willing to work to make the relationship a positive and healthy one. Apart from continuous efforts to get to know yourself better and to better yourself, a relationship requires commitment and you need to be willing to accommodate the other person’s needs.
Relax. Don't rush
Rushing into a relationship due to loneliness or desperation usually results in rampage. Relationships require patience and nurturing. A relationship is a journey. Relax. Don’t rush. Enjoy the journey.