Inspire wondrous curiosity with Black Betty Jewellery

This year marks the start of the Chinese New Year – also known as the Spring festival or lunar New Year. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger and the third of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. Each animal is associated with qualities – both good and bad – which are believed to be inherited by those born that year.
And the imaginative Kristin Weixelbaumer from jewellery brand Black Betty says that the Tiger is a symbol of passion, courage, love and energy and the Year of the Tiger brings with it the opportunity to choose gemstones that radiate those same qualities. “In a similar way that wearing your birthstone contributes to enhancing your energy levels and aligning you to your environment, so too will wearing stones that represent the inherent qualities of the Chinese Zodiac Tiger.
Now not only do we love a local, proudly South African brand, especially one that is so creative and innovative, but we love all the new Black Betty designs too. They’ve just dropped their new collection, The Tiger, which is said to inspire a strong sense of self-esteem and a wondrous curiosity to learn more.