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CLOSED: WIN a romantic staycation in the city valued at R3,000

Fairway Hotel bedroom for competition

Can you believe we’ve reached the mid-point of 2022? Well we’re shocked that the year has flown by so quickly and the busier we get at Hello Lifestyle Magazine the quicker time flies! 

The bad news is that time flies, but the good news is that you're the pilot.

So why not take your foot off the gas and reroute your journey towards a landing for some rest and relaxation at The Fairway Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort?

The Fairway Hotel offers lush scenery with spacious hotel rooms and golf villas. Each room includes a private balcony or patio designed to showcase the idyllic views of the golf course, gardens or swimming pool. 

Hello Lifestyle Magazine and Guvon Hotels are giving away a one night stay for two people, including dinner at the award winning Balata Restaurant to one lucky reader. All you have to do to enter is fill in the competition entry form below. Good Luck!

Enter more competitions here.

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