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How to guide: How to simplify your life

Busy woman on the phone with babt

The Takeaway

We can all agree that the past 24 months have been very challenging for every human on earth. One of the only positive outcomes of COVID-19 that we can think of is the effect on people’s priorities. The majority of us have come to the realisation that family, friends, and quality of time spent are more important than meetings, targets and strat sessions.

However with remote work becoming more prevalent, the line between work and play time is slowly disappearing and this is having a negative effect on those relationships that mean so much to us.

The question you’re probably asking yourself is; How do I simplify my life to unlock more valuable time with the ones I love? Well that’s exactly what this article is about. The team at Hello Joburg have put together the following 7 steps that will help you simplify your life and open up a world of possibilities.

1. Prioritise your time commitments

‘Being Busy’ shouldn’t be a badge of pride you wear and you need to have a serious introspection about what your busy is? becomingminimalist has an excellent article on 9 Lies that Keep Our Schedules Overwhelmed which is a must read to help you reprioritise the tasks and responsibilities that are important and those that need to be trashed.

2. Clear out your stuff

Too many material positions complicate our lives more than we acknowledge. They drain our bank account, our energy and our attention. Materialistic consumption based on our inner desire to climb the social ladder only leads to added anxiety, stress and sleepless nights.

Man sitting at his desk paying bills

3. Pay down your debt

This is a very contentious subject as most people don’t understand how to manage money and the instant gratification that drives us, helps perpetuate the debt cycle in our society. Don’t be afraid of contacting a debt review practitioner to help restructure your debt and pave the way to becoming debt free.

4. Automate repetitive tasks

Checkers Sixty60 is a lifestyle game changed. Our team love the user friendly interface, selection of products and obviously the speed of delivery. But did you know that you can set up a basket of orders and just reorder the same products weekly. What a time saver. Also take a look at Auto-order function on the Absolute Pets website if you buy the same pet food every month. Winner!

5. Reduce screen time

This is a tough one! We all know how addictive social media is and as much as we try, we just can’t put the phone down! We’ll did you know that media rearranges your subconscious focus and you don’t even know it. If you can’t get this part of your life under control then unfortunately the rest is going to be that much harder. Joburg is filled with beautiful outdoor spaces, restaurants and attractions for you and your family to enjoy. Go out an explore your backyard.

6. Spend quality time with quality people

How many times have you asked your partner our spouse “Why do we see these people?” Well maybe it’s time you start evaluating your relationships and getting rid of the mental hostages and start spending more time with like-minded people that add value to your lives.

7. Finally - breath and relax

Try and spend more time doing nothing. Enjoy the silence and peace around you. Sit in your garden. Walk in the rain. Listen to good music. Find a Podcast that inspires, motivates and opens up your imagination. Thank yourself for all the good work you’re doing. Help someone achieve their better, simpler life. Smile. Laugh.

We know that is article is a little different from other content on Hello Joburg, but life is different and peoples experiences are different and we want to help you achieve your different.

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