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Finally an early detection cancer screen test arrives in SA

World Cancer Day

Friday, 4 February marks World Cancer Day globally, so there is much of a need to raise awareness for this significant health day.

With worldwide increase in the incidence of cancers, it is of utmost importance that a reliable, easy-to-access and affordable cancer screening test be used as part of annual health check by all individuals over 40 years of age. The Trucheck test has been customized to fit diverse needs of cancer screening and it is now available in South Africa.

The ground-breaking early detection screening test – the first of its kind globally –Blood-based “Trucheck” cancer screening test is brought to you by Unique Diagnostics and available in SA. The Trucheck test has been customized to fit diverse needs of cancer screening.

Single organ cancer screening tests, such as Trucheck–Breast and Trucheck–Prostate, can detect earliest traces of the respective cancers from a simple blood sample. This creates a reliable substitute to mammogram and digital prostatic examination respectively. The broader panel Trucheck–Intelli can screen for 70 different organ-specific tumours in a single test.

Datar Cancer Genetics Laboratory, which is a world leader in the area of personalized cancer treatment and early detection of cancers, announced in November 2021 that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had granted ‘Biological Breakthrough Device’ designation for its blood test to detect early-stage breast cancer, as early as stage 0.

The Trucheck Intelli test uses a proprietary technology developed by Datar Cancer Genetics to detect Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs). Studies have shown that even Stage 0 (DCIS) and Stage 1 cancers are detected with the highest accuracy through the Trucheck test. The test requires only 10ml of blood and can be used by any asymptomatic individual above the age of 40.

We believe that detection of “circulating tumour cells” is a very dependable and accurate method for early detection of cancer,” says Dr. Chirantan Bose, Director at Datar Cancer Genetics. “It enables capture and characterization of functional components of a tumour, rather than surrogate evidences like biochemical markers, which are far less accurate for cancer screening. Also, being a blood test, Trucheck sample can be collected from the convenience of homes and does not require the individual to visit a hospital.

better diagnosis, treatment decisions, and management of cancer. The Company’s state-of-the-art cancer research centre is ISO, CAP and CLIA accredited with facilities in Guilford, United Kingdom and India. The Company serves cancer patients in South Africa, in collaboration with Unique Diagnostics.

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