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Intermittent Fasting: The Must-Know Methods, Pros and Cons

Intermittent Fasting

Humans do not just eat food because it tastes delicious, but because it provides energy, which fuels the body. However, in recent years, intermittent fasting (IF) has gained popularity within society and has lately become the ‘diet’ of choice for many.

Intermittent fasting is not your regular diet, because it does not control what you eat, but when you eat. Therefore, it is probably more apt to call it an eating pattern rather than a diet, as it involves periods of fasting and alternate periods of eating that form a repeating cycle.

Nevertheless, just because intermittent fasting does not control the type of food you eat, it is important to control that variable yourself. It is still vital to have a mixture of fruit, vegetables, protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates. Remember the food pyramid? Well, it will definitely come in handy here.

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The 16:8 Method

This is the most common type of intermittent fasting individuals practice. Ultimately, it involves fasting for a sixteen-hour window and then having an eight-hour eating window. It does not matter when you decide these windows start and end. However, it is important to eat properly when you do. Water, black coffee, black tea and other calorie-free beverages can be consumed throughout the fasting period so you remain hydrated.

The Eat-Stop-Eat Method

Consisting of fasting for two non-consecutive days a week, this method is for individuals who have experience with intermittent fasting. Going 24 hours without food can be harsh on the human body, but research suggests that such conditions can increase one’s productivity and brain function. It is important to stay hydrated during the two 24-hour fasting windows, though. Also, ensure that you are leaving longer eating windows in between. With this method, you should be in sync with what your body needs at all times. If you feel ill or if you faint, breaking the fast to eat something sugary right away is vital.

The 5:2 Method

This is less about hourly windows and more about controlling your calorie intake. With this method, you need to to consume 500-600 calories for two non-consecutive days a week. You can choose how you want to approach this method. For instance, you can eat only one meal a day, or decide to snack on smaller food items throughout the day.

Why You Should Say Yes To Intermittent Fasting

Lower Calorie Intake: Intermittent fasting is often recommended to individuals wanting to lose weight. Because you are spending less time eating, chances are that you are consuming less calories. Evidently, this would lead to weight loss. That is, of course, dependent on the individual, as IF relies on consuming healthy foods during the eating windows.

Increased Metabolic Rate: Intermittent fasting is said to temporarily increase your metabolic rate, which is how fast your body burns calories. Your metabolism is linked to the fat-burning hormone called norepinephrine, which also increases during a fasting period.

Muscle Repair and Growth: Research suggests that intermittent fasting leads to the increase of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which is linked to building muscle. It also increases the cellular repair process, which is when new cells replace old or dying ones. This allows muscles to heal and thereby grow after an intense workout.

Decrease Insulin Supply: Whilst insulin is important for lowering blood sugar levels, it does this by storing the sugar in your liver, muscle cells or fat cells. By decreasing the amount of insulin in your body, you decrease the likelihood of sugar becoming fat – an element linked to weight gain.

Why You Should Say No To IF

Eating Disorders: Intermittent fasting is not said to be the cause of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, but psychologists do say it can be a trigger to a vulnerable individual. Therefore, this eating pattern is not recommended as safe if you have a history with eating disorders or restricting nutrition beyond a reasonable level.

Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Some women who have tried intermittent fasting have reported a change in their menstrual cycle. This can be due to the change in hormone levels in the body which all work together to maintain homeostasis. A female’s estrogen levels can be altered due to IF, which might affect the regularity of her period.

If you are an individual with diabetes, have low blood pressure, are on chronic medication, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, we’d recommend you consult a doctor before trying any method of intermittent fasting.

Whilst IF objectively has more pros than cons, the question of whether it is sustainable is still unanswered. It might be beneficial for health and weight loss in the short-term, but due to too little research, the long-term side effects continue to be inconclusive.

If you do decide to try out intermittent fasting, take caution and consult a doctor if your head ever feels woozy or your body feels doozy.

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