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Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: The Secret to Solo Adventure

Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: The Secret to Solo Adventure

Are you the main character in your story? Or, do you feel like you’re an extra in someone else’s?

This is a good indicator to decide whether you need to embark on a solo adventure or two to write your own story. To experience personal growth and discover yourself again. It doesn’t have to be hard to discover yourself. Not does it have to be hard to find the things that set your soul on fire.

We’ve pinpointed some benefits of embarking on solo adventures for personal growth and self-discovery.

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What is a Solo Adventure?

What is solo adventure?

Solo adventure or solo travel is to explore new places and activities on your own. That means, the decisions and itinerary choices are all made at your own discretion. In fact, you have full control over your planning and your travel schedule. Create your new narrative through solo adventure, allowing an all-new self-discovery of the things that make you, you.

Your solo adventure will be made up of these elements:

  1. Stepping out of your comfort zone
  2. Act on your adventurous thoughts and wishes
  3. Embrace the unpredictable
  4. Develop independence
  5. Overcome fears

The Benefits of Solo Adventures

What are the benefits of Solo Adventures for Personal Growth and Self-Discovery?

There is transformation in solo adventures; new life in solitude. It’s important to take time to reflect and determine the things you wish to achieve in your free time.

A definite upside to solo adventure and solo travel is self-discovery. Space, time, and freedom are pertinent on the road to self-discovery, which can be enhanced through solitude.

Ultimately, the goal is to feel empowered by your own company. It takes guts to travel alone. A good stepping stone is to start with smaller things like enjoying a meal on your own. Empower yourself with nothing other than you, your mind, your heart and your feelings. All of these are valid.

Then, start immersing yourself in culture. Take the time to learn something new and put yourself out there. Culture is an important part of personal growth, as it allows you to delve deeper into your own culture or to take the steps to learn about other cultures.

Additionally, there is flexibility in solo adventures. You are not bound by time, preference, contribution or opinion. Evidently, this allows you to “peel the onion” and find new depths in yourself.

Enjoy your own company and remember to be spontaneous, safe and present.

Where to go in South Africa to embark on solo adventures?

Where to go in South Africa to embark on solo adventures?
  • Spas are always a good idea. Alternatively, any space to be alone and not feel out of place. This is a great starting point.
  • Training alone helps clear your mind and brings new confidence too. So, opt for a good solo exercise session.
  • Retreats give you an immersive experience for an extended time, and we can highly recommend it if you are looking for a different perspective. 

Cheers to finding solace in solitude and reaping the rewards of solo adventure and solo travel.  Don’t lose sight of the things that make you feel alive. It’s easy to get caught up in all the craziness of life, but here is some sound advice: Don’t forget to live!

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