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Our 2021 winter motto: chai and chai again. And so we have searched high and low and tried em all and have finally come to the conclusion that we love Tetley’s Masala Chai.


The rich cultural history of tea dates back centuries, infused with legendary tales of explorers and adventurers. And lets be honest, through the pandemic it has brought all of us together. What is a Zoom meeting without a cuppa tea? Chatting to your girlfriend for hours on the phone without tea isn’t even an option.


It’s oh so comforting and  Tetley – the second biggest tea brand globally is enjoyed in more than 40 countries – has finally introduced its latest Masala Chai and Elaichi Chai teas, crafted according to Indian tradition.


“The rich flavor of India’s Chai (teas), with their aromatic and warming Masala and Elaichi flavours, has become a global phenomenon, and is also ingrained in the memory and traditions of many South Africans,” explained Vilendrie Muthulingum, Joekels Technical Manager. “For me personally, the Tetley Elaichi Chai reminds me of when I was young and my mom would make vermicelli or soji. It reminds me of the comfort of home – that’s what it feels like to me. Tetley takes South Africans around the world with a cup of tea and the flavors of India.

#HelloRecommends our fav two options to enjoy Tetley Chai Tea

  1. Pop your teabag in a cup, add hot water and brew for 3-5mins, add lots of milk or a milk alternative, and sweeten with sugar or honey.
  2. Create a delicious Chai latte by boiling the teabags in milk, and then adding honey or sugar for a deliciously milky beverage.


Don’t forget to follow Tetley Tea on social media for delicious recipes from the winner of Masterchef South Africa, Kamini Pather.

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