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Wearable Tech: Could This Be The Next Best Thing?

Huawei launches their new and improved wearable health technology range that priorities physical and emotional wellbeing.

The human body is an entity of multiple parts that function harmoniously to ensure life. Complicated and confusing as it may be, Huawei has made navigating its intricacies a little easier. Guided by research conducted around the link between physical and emotional wellbeing, Huawei’s latest wearable technology respects the findings.

According to an article investigating the effect of mental stress on cardiovascular health (with research funded by the EU’s Horizon Programme) Gareth Willmer says our hearts can indicate the state of our psychological wellbeing. Ultimately, that is what inspired the Huawei TruSense System and Watch GT 5 Pro Exclusive. Vital health data is collected by these fashionable wearable tech, giving insight into one’s overall health status. While your physical health is monitored during everyday activities and workouts, women in particular can also track their menstrual cycles with a flick of the wrist. But wait, there’s more. New and improved tech now takes it even another step further, into the emotional realm.

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Measure The Ticking Of Your Heart

Both the Huawei TruSense System and Watch GT 5 Pro Exclusive have a new and improved ECG sensor. This allows for more accurate readings of heart health during exercise, rest or sleep. Furthermore, these smartwatches capture a wider range of pulse signals, essentially improving the accuracy and insight of heart rate measurements. ECG waveforms can now also be generated in under 30 seconds whilst on the go.

The TruSense System has improved LED sensors and fancy mechanisms that measure changes in blood volume. This is made possible through light absorption and a photodetector at the surface of the skin. Impressive and intricate. Subsequently, this system is trained through an AI model to ensure the capturing of vital data such as heart rate, rhythm and irregular patterns is accurate.

The reason for all this is to detect abnormalities sooner rather than later, or even those that might have gone completely unnoticed. While Huawei does not claim to be a super-doctor machine, the hope is that its comprehensive health reports can prompt one to get further testing if necessary.

A Therapist At Hand At All Times

On top of all this emphasis on cardiovascular health, Huawei has added another dimension to their wearable technology. Introducing an Emotional Wellbeing Assistant, a wearer’s emotional state can be detected through physiological changes. This acts as a stress manager in a life that is often too busy and anxiety-provoking.

Emotional health data is captured in the Huawei Health App on a weekly to monthly basis. Consequently, long-term planning for emotional health regulation is made possible. In fact, users receive practical suggestions to help them build a sustainable emotional management plan.

Additionally, this feature also allows you to track your mood through Huawei’s therapist-on-the-wrist to capture what triggers emotional responses and what calms you down.

Could this perhaps be the next best thing when it comes to wearable technology? If you are looking for a fashionable piece to bedazzle your wrist while simultaneously collecting useful data throughout the day, this Huawei range might just be the way to go.

Equipped with physiological and emotional sensors that store data for analysis at a later stage, you can understand yourself better and discover things you might never have realised.

Huawei has partnered with medical research institutions and hospitals worldwide to ensure their technology is accurate and efficient.

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