Wall Pilates: Is it really worth all the hype?

Have you noticed how Wall Pilates has been taking over social media algorithms? Is it worth the hype? Our writer, Victoria Hill went on a four-week journey to review the process and give you the inside scoop…
Trying Out the Latest Fitness Trend
It was a hot summer’s morning when I laid down on my makeshift Pilates mat – a pool towel I discovered in the cupboard. I’d found a free Wall Pilates routine from WallPilates.com, complete with descriptions and video links. My initial workout plan included basic sits, push-ups, roll-downs, planking, squats, side planks with leg lifts and marching bridges. All this, against my trusty wall.
While it all seems relatively easy, do not be fooled! By the end of the first workout, I was sweating, my abs were burning, my glutes were cramping, my thighs were shaking, my feet were aching and my arms were trembling.
You, Your Mat and Your Wall Against The World
Wall Pilates is basically a free version of traditional Pilates. Instead of metal bars and intricate-looking bed contraptions, it’s just you, your mat and your wall against the world. Ultimately, the wall adds extra resistance, forcing your muscles to work harder than when mere gravity was at play.
The modified fitness technique is still considered Pilates as it uses the same foundations as the traditional form. However, Wall Pilates allows for accessibility, individualisation and different levels of advancement.
Pros and Cons of Wall Pilates
Suffering from scoliosis, I was concerned about my ability to perform certain exercise routines. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how the exercises required no high-impact movements. In fact, did you know that Pilates was initially invented for rehabilitation? Evidently, Pilates (and Wall Pilates) has been designed to be gentle on your joints, muscles and physical injuries.
Wall Pilates is said to target core strengthening, perfect alignment, balance and posture, which means controlling and concentrating on each movement. This makes you more aware of which muscles to use, as well as how to control your breathing to aid the movement.
However, following a free online training programme, I often just did the exercises, hoping for the best. Not having an expert around to guide me, I was worried about doing more harm than good when the alignment of my knees and ankles was out, for instance.
Is it worth pursuing?
Reflecting on the four-week journey, one month’s Wall Pilates is not enough to see a noticeable change. Whilst I feel stronger in my abs and glutes, I do not see a permanent six pack or peachy shape to flaunt. You could feel a change in strength within four to five weeks, but you’ll probably only see a change in six to eight weeks. One should only expect a notable difference after twelve weeks of regular training.
With this in mind, I will probably continue with Wall Pilates for two more months and then scrutinise myself in the mirror to see if it was worth it, or simply a fad.
Pair Your Workout with Matomani’s Nutrition Bars
Having just launched two new nutrition bars, Matomani provides a great snack perfect for before, during and after your workout.
The Energise Bar delivers sustained energy before workouts or endurance events. It is packed with a blend of natural ingredients with a perfectly balanced 5:1 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio. It comes in a coffee and chocolate flavour, providing the kick you need.
Matomani’s Endure Bar is especially designed for consumption during a workout. Full of slow-release carbohydrates and a 4:1 carb-to-protein ratio, it provides sustained energy for endurance. It’s also infused with natural sea salt to replenish electrolytes lost through sweat, with a hint of chocolate to keep you motivated.
So, whilst we have our opinion on Wall Pilates, we encourage you to give it a go and decide for yourself whether it is worth all the hype.